Thank you kind and lovely blogging friends for all you good wishes. My eye is much better with the help of some drops (which now it feels better I keep forgetting to put in!)
The man coming to fix the washing machine this morning cancelled... apparently the bearings have gone (it is all of 18 months old) so it is not worth him repairing it. I have a different man coming to look at the washing machine tomorrow... of course I had to sign away my life in the form of monthy direct debits before Hotpoint would come out... fingers crossed he will fix it as I've about ten loads waiting to go in. I don't relish the thought of hand washing that lot!
But I've been keeping busy with a bit of mass production in the mince pie making department.

I'm hoping that five dozen will be enough to keep my lot going over the holidays because I'm not making any more! (I've hidden some just in case)

Meanwhile our boiler has sprung a leak. I called this morning and was delighted to have a man turn up an hour later. However the news is not good... yes, it is leaking (I worked out that much), there is nothing that can be done, he hopes it keeps going for a few more days but he'll put us on the list for a new boiler, no idea when that might be... busy time you know! His parting words... I hope you have a warm Christmas.
But I'm still smiling... don't forget that giveaway... leave a comment on
this post.