When a packet arrives with this written on the back, you just know it's going to be something exciting...

Inside there was a multicoloured parcel and chocolate... a good start... chocolate is exciting!

But nothing prepared me for the excitement of opening the parcel. Inside was my mini quilt from the very lovely, slightly mad but wonderful
Lucy Locket. Mad... because she agreed to make so many quilts for her quilt swap but lovely and wonderful for making something so special for me. It has my dog Barley, with his
birthday sausage and lots of bunting and I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is. It is very special and very precious, so Lucy Locket....

And look who it was designed by.... Daisy Locket.
So... THANK YOU Daisy too!

I feel very privileged indeed to receive this and it will be proudly displayed in my house for all to see! An added bonus was I got to have a lovely long chat with Mrs Locket today too!
On a slightly different note I was recently tagged by
Jenny to do a "six random facts" post because apparently she is intrigued! Try as I might, so far I have only come up with two things which I will save for another time but meanwhile to satisfy your curiosity Jenny you can follow
this link and it will take you back to when I did this once before... with seven random facts. Not very intriguing but it does have some embarrasing photos!