... and here I am! I have missed blogging but it has been a very productive week. I have been glued to the computer and had my head in books virtually all day and everyday... only leaving the house to walk the dog... but I have managed to work my way through the remaining assignments and I'm ready for my tutorial this evening. YIPPEE!!!!
I've covered just about every stitch technique you can imagine - from smocking to crazy patchwork, from goldwork to rug making, from the work of artists as diverse as Magdalena Abakanowicz and Ritzi Jacobi to the work of designers like Jean Paul Gaultier, from corsets to anoraks, kayaks to yurts... if it's been stitched then I've read about it! I've even managed some samples too.

I loved doing the crazy patchwork and have lots of ideas where I might take this technique although I'll not be sorry if I never try smocking ever again! I've now got to focus on three of the methods studied and develop them into personal projects - got about five weeks to do that!
In order to relax in the evenings I've been... doing more sewing! First of all Jacob wanted something to protect his ipod when it is lurking in the depths of his pockets along with keys, coins and other objects likely to damage it! So we found some suitable fabric for a fifteen year old boy (he chose it) - and this is what we came up with.

There have also been a few of these friendly chaps being made as I've got a craft fair coming up in just over a week and thought my dwindling stock needed replenishing. Any that don't sell might be appearing in my soon to be announced Etsy shop!

Also with the craft fair (and Etsy) in mind I wanted to try some naive applique, inspired by some of the work by we saw at the Country Living Fair, and so I made this little clutch bag from linen fabrics...

With a bright pink lining to match the buttons....

On the applique picture on the back.
(Ok... I can see it needs ironing but there hasn't been much of that going on this week!)

Not much cooking and baking over the past week either - except for this fruit loaf. A fabulous sugar free recipe sent to me by
Trashalou which Jacob (and his friend who was over for the day) absolutely loved. Full of fruit like raisins, dates and apricots it also had a secret ingredient that I didn't reveal until they'd eaten it... mashed sweet potato! Thank you... I'll be making that again!

Finally I'll leave you with a glimse of what I've been doing with those dyed recycled blankets.... more crazy patchwork inspired by the gorgeous work of
Madeleine Millington.

I'll show more when it is finished but first I need to clean my house, wash some clothes and restock the fridge!