Please indulge me while I moan some more about this drawing module. I really struggled with trying to capture movement last week, only to have another negative tutorial where I was told I was still "edge obsessed"... crikey... is it me? When I see people moving about I see their edges! By the end of the twenty minute phone call I was feeling utterly miserable and useless and none the wiser about how to proceed. It seemed to be a case of go and try again.
Not to be downhearted I went off to life drawing class, where at least I could practise on a non moving target. This chap certainly wasn't going anywhere...

We looked carefully at the skeleton to try to understand how it supports the body and made lots of drawings starting from the inside working out... not starting at the edges!

The teacher was supportive and encouraging and made helpful suggestions for improvements.

And I came home feeling not quite so useless.

The following morning I woke feeling pretty miserable again but ventured into Cambridge where I sat in the corner of the library for nearly three hours drawing people coming and going, moving about. And these are the results....

Probably too many edges and outlines... and as far as I am concerned it looks like a lot of scribble but I am trying hard.

I think part of the problem is that I'm just not interested in drawing people moving about... especially as these drawings have got to be interpreted and developed into a personal interest.

Today I resolved not to think about drawing at all and instead I made some more tea cosies... both commissions. I'm ashamed to admit my friend asked me to make the little one back in March. It was August before I actually got to measure the tea pot and it has taken until this week to track down exactly the right fabric... but I got there at last!

I also thought a little chocolate button therapy was required to take my mind off all the edges (although I can see my own edges expanding rapidly if I carry on eating all this cake).

And just in case that's not enough, tomorrow I'm off to the Knitting and Stitching show to meet lots of friends... some bloggers and some not... and to indulge in a little retail therapy. On the other hand I might be that crazed woman sitting in a corner trying to draw you all moving about.
(without edges of course)