Friday 20 January 2017

Another Lemon Cake

It's that time in the month again when I join in with the Cake Slice Bakers baking from World Class Cakes by Roger Pizey. I very nearly didn't join in this month as we are still going strong with out healthy eating and I didn't want the temptation of cake in the house. But No. 3 son came over last weekend and we were chatting about it and he very valiantly offered to take a cake off my hands should I feel the urge to bake!

The choices this month were a Devil's Food Cake which didn't really appeal. Chocolate cake is probably my least favourite ( I know, I'm weird) and I couldn't stomach the thought of all that sickly frosting. I have completely lost my taste for sweet things.

I did rather fancy the vanilla and blood orange cake... and might make this when the blood oranges appear in my veg box

Or possibly the Apple streusel cake with its crumbly topping.

But as it is exactly one year since I joined The Cake Slice bakers and my first cake was a Lemon Cake I opted for the Lemon Drizzle Cake... it just feels like a January sort of cake! I do have a fail safe recipe for lemon drizzle but this one was different in that it has a whole carton of cream so thought it was worth a try.

The batter was wonderfully thick and creamy and tasted heavenly... yes I licked the spoon!

It did take longer to bake than the recipe stated... a whole 15 minutes longer and if I made it again I probably wouldn't add the water to the syrup but it certainly looked the part and smelt wonderful. I'd like to be able to tell you it tasted delicious too... but it got wrapped up and Joe collected it last night ready to take to work this morning. He's working on a construction site at the moment so I don't imagine there will be much left! He has promised to report back*

* Message from Joe and the guys he is working with "Very nice and lemony", "Best lemon drizzle I've had" and my favourite... "She's very good, is she paid to do this." 

Should you want to try it yourself ,it is incredibly easy to put together, so this is my version:

Lemon Drizzle Cake (adapted from World Class Cakes)
You will need  an 7" x 3.5" x 3.5" loaf pan, greased and lined. Preheat the oven to 160 deg C (140 fan), 310 deg F
  • 3 large eggs
  • 200g caster sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 175g plain flour, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 75g butter, melted
  • 150g double cream
  • finely grated zest of two large lemons (or three small ones)
  •  In a large bowl whisk together the eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and salt.
  • Whisk in the melted butter and the cream
  • Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake in the pre-heated oven for one hour or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean
  • While the cake is baking make the drizzle by combining 85g caster sugar, the juice of two lemons and 125 ml water in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for ten minutes.
  • When the cake comes out of the oven, brush the top with the drizzle until it is all used up.
  • Cool in the tin for 15 minutes and then turn out until completely cool.
And this is what it should look like!



  1. I'm so impressed that you baked a cake and didn't eat a slice! What a kind son you have. Good on you for continuing your healthy eating :) B x

    1. We are both feeling so good that I really don't want to go back to eating lots of cake! But I think the occasional slice won't go amiss!

  2. Looks good, would have love to see a slice of it ie interior shots!

  3. Lemon Drizzle cake - so delicious, and all that lemon juice must be good for you!

  4. Riverford already have blood oranges, I can guarantee that they are totally delicious.

  5. Love the comments back...brilliant!!
    I'm fascinated that you have lost the taste for sweet things...that is hopeful!

  6. Nothing beats a good lemon drizzle and yours looks fab. I will have to add this recipe to my book. Love the comments back!

  7. mmmm lemon drizzle cake! looks delicious! xxx

  8. With reviews like that, it has to be good! It certainly looks and sounds amazing!

  9. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Your cake looks yummy:)

  10. Yum, that drizzle cake looks soooo delicious - your son is a lucky man - and weren't you good not to eat any of it! Are you giving up your baking business or just having a short break?

  11. I do love a good lemon drizzle cake! This one sounds like a great one!!

  12. Your cake looks lovely! I've actually made this, even though my cake rises well, it was dense and takes longer to bake too. I will have to try this again as I love lemon cakes.

  13. Chocolate cake is my least favourite, too. And I'm always disappointed if there's chocolate-y puddings on a menu. But that blood orange cake looks gorgeous - and think of the vitamin C, it's almost healthy.

    1. Absolutely... one of your five a day without doubt!

  14. I too tried the batter before baking the cake. It was tasty. I loved this cake.

  15. It looks divine Gina -- thanks for sharing the recipe!

  16. I loved everything about this cake and it is one that I will make again and again. Your cake has me craving it again.


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