Friday, 10 June 2016

Five on Friday... or Four books and one puppy!

Are you sensing a theme here... I've come to realise that thinking I can post more than once a week is unrealistic so I thought I would join in again with Five on Friday with a round up of books I've read. But then I realised that I haven't actually read that many books over the past month! But I have also come to realise that posts about books attract the least amount of comments whereas puppy posts get lots of attention. I know it's a cheap trick and I'm shameless!

1. The Dressmaker

As I typed the title I realised I have already told you about The Dressmaker which I read last month. I really am losing the plot! I'll be banished from Five on Friday forever! But did I tell you I saw the film too? Subtle differences to the book but I loved it equally and Kate Winslett was excellent. It was very dark and sad but also hilariously funny.

 2. Picnic in Provence

I borrowed Picnic in Provence from a friend and absolutely loved it. Elizabeth Bard is an American married to a Frenchman. They move from Paris to Provence where they set up home, have a baby and start a new business. It is an entertaining memoir, which is well written and peppered with the most amazing sounding recipes that made me just want to cook. I loved it so much I have ordered my own copy!

3. Isabel's Daughter

When I started reading Isabel's Daughter I wasn't sure I liked the style of writing but I'm now half way through and can't put it down. My usual time to read is when I wake up in the morning. I like to sit up in bed with a cup of tea and read for half an hour before I get up. But I've been sneaking this downstairs and catching the odd chapter here and there during the day too.... as well as reading before dinner in the garden with a glass of wine It's a bit of a mystery set in New Mexico about orphan Avery James who unravels the mystery of her mother, with lots of food and textile references thrown in too!

4. Portland Place

A copy of Portland Place, Secret Diary of a BBC Secretary written by my friend Sarah also arrived this week and is my next book to read. Some of you may remember I read this in June last year when Sarah self published and it was available on the kindle. Well it proved so popular that she found a publisher and this week it has been released in hardback to great aclaim. Joan Bakewell has reveiwed it in The Telegraph, Sarah has been interviwed on Radio London (about 1.14 hours in), it is going to be available as an audio book and I am very much looking forward to reading it again. I wrote a review here and I can thoroughly recommend it. I'm also somewhat chuffed that Sarah has mentioned me in the acknowledgements for championing the book on my blog last year... I didn't know until I saw my copy yesterday afternoon. Do buy a copy and read it if you get a chance as it is not only about the unlikely romance between Sarah and Frank but it also conveys the sense of the era absolutely perfectly. It transported me right back to being a teenager in the 1970s.

5. Hector

And to make up my five things this Friday... the obligatory puppy pictures. Here he is hiding under the kitchen chair because there was a big scary lawn mower in the garden!

And looking very cute, sleeping on his cat. Although he's not been so cute the last few days. He's chewing everything, including our feet and hands given half a chance and he has found his voice. He's got a very loud bark for such a little chap! We're off to training classes next week so we'll see what he makes of that!

Joining in with Amy for Five on Friday


  1. Book posts seem to be falling out of favour with my readers, few comments and few visits.... must get shameless, too. Hector is so cute, I want to swap my Jack for him. Jack has been a bit grumpy, in true Jack Russell style. I love the sound of the Provence book. I might get it for my mum as a present (she loves the Provence) and read it myself first. Happy Friday! x

  2. I think I'd like Portland Place. My other half used to work for the Beeb and I've heard quite a few stories. Maybe he'd read it too (now THAT would be an achievement!)

  3. Those books sound very interesting - I'll put them on my list. It's good to have a recommendation. I'm particularly drawn to the one set in Provence as I am destined to be an armchair traveller.
    Best of luck Hector with your training classes. He should be fairly easy to train - most labradors are.

  4. I really enjoyed Picnic in Provence too and Portland Place sounds very interesting - must order a copy. Please continue your theme of Four plus Hector as it is great watching him grow and develop! Good luck with the puppy classes.

  5. Some interesting books there. I hope the classes go well. :-)

  6. Very cute puppy. He reminds me of our Ben when he was a puppy. We were lucky to have him for sixteen years.

    Love your books - I feel a little guilty when I sneak a read in the day, like I should be doing something else instead. I usually read when I wake up too. I used to read before I went to sleep, but now that I'm not working hubby goes to bed before me!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Some great book recommendations there. And well done to your friend. What a great achievement! As for the puppy photos, post as many as you like. He is gorgeous!

  8. I like the sound of your books and I DO love book reviews ( as well as puppy pictures!). Isn't it great when you get a book that you can't put down! Have a great weekend. Bx

  9. I do enjoy book reviews and hope it will kick start me back into reading but at the moment I am not reading very much at all. Hope all goes well with the training, he certainly is one cute puppy.

  10. You did make me laugh! My Five on Friday also had a photo of my dog at the end too!! I keep dreaming of a book lined room full of books that I love, but alas I don't seem to have enough time to read at the moment, so the dream is just staying a dream :)

  11. Gina, I often listen to Joann Good's London Radio show via my laptop while having breakfast...and I heard the interview with Sarah. It was very interesting...great that her self-publishing served as a gateway.

    Now on to adorable Hector. He gets more adorable by the day. I agree with him on trying to avoid noisy lawnmowers. Hector goes to class should provide lots of smiles. Bet he will be a quick learner.

    Happy Weekend! xo

  12. So what do I have to do to get more comments? I post lots of cute alpaca pictures :D Oh well! It is a good record for us and our friends and family across the globe, if nothing else. Sweet puppy and I am intrigued by the books you have read, but not much time for non-academic reading at the moment. Sigh!

  13. It was interesting to read about the books, but you do know of course that Hector has stolen my heart more than the books!! You didn't expect anything else though did you!! He is adorable! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday. I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  14. Book posts may not be popular, but I sure like them, they're where I learn about new books. Your friend's book sou day like a winner.

  15. Gina, I really enjoy your book posts and have just requested Bread Alone from our library. I belong to a book group through my local U3A. Our book for August is either a mystery or thriller - neither are genres I usually read so I appreciate the info on your post. I didn't like The Dressmakers and gave up on it quite quickly. Also - interesting you read for half an hour in the morning (and other times!). I always read before turning the light off at night.

    Have you read 'All the Light we cannot see'? I loved it - as did my 14 year old grand daughter, who is not really a reader. Another book which deeply resonated with me was 'The hired man'.

    I can see where the phrase 'puppy love' came from. Gorgeous!

  16. Ooh picnic in Provence could be just the book for a friend of mine. Thanks for the share

  17. Hector (love the name) is adorable. I've read Elizabeth Bards first book and have Picnic in my stack ... somewhere! I should find it and move it up. I'm always interested in what everyone is reading. Have a fun filled week.

  18. I always read your book posts but rarely comment as I'm someone who doesn't read books very often. I have to say though as a lover of southern France I do like the sound of the Provence book.
    Good luck with training classes....he is gorgeous.
    V x

  19. Definately the puppy for me as I don't read book reviews! Lol :-D

  20. You always choose such wonderful books to read Gina and I enjoy your book reviews. Have taken notes ;-D. And little Hector is adorable -- I hope the chewing stage won't be too painful!

  21. Oh, I'm always very happy to have a nosey at what people are reading, whether that's over their shoulder or in a blog post. Such a great way to find new-to-me titles, too. My problem these days is I forget what a book was about almost as soon as I've finished it!

  22. Isabel and textiles sounds interesting.
    I appreciate being pointed at - read this?


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