Saturday, 19 May 2012


I always relish the chance of a train journey into London. A chance to do a bit of knitting...

... And catch up with some reading, which was all the more enjoyable now my Kindle has a beautiful new case from Rebecca. I always feel guilty if I take time out to knit or read during the day as they both feel like evening activities but a train journey eliminates that guilt.

And of course when that train journey leads to meeting friends at the V & A, tea and scones in the members room and a chance to see some rather amazing ballgowns...

... it makes for a perfect Friday.


  1. Sounds like the perfect day out to me. Glad you had such a good time.

  2. Knitting on the train used to be one of my favourite pastimes. Enthusiastic brandishing of the needles usually guaranteed me a double seat to myself too, haha!

  3. Yes that sounds pretty perfect to me too!
    That looks like an amazing exhibition.
    Vivienne x

  4. That knitting looks very similar to my sky scarf!

  5. Oh what a perfect day! I know just what you mean about knitting and reading during 'working hours'.

    And I'm so keen to see the Ballgowns exhibition, though a bit worried about how I'm going to convince G!

    K x

  6. Oh sounds like you had a lovely day

  7. Glad you had a great time...l was there too....pity l didn't know you were there too. It was great wasn't it?Lyndax

  8. Gina, you know I detest knitting and I am no Kindle convert but glamour from the 1950's would be absolutely my cup of tea. What a lovely sounding exhibition. I know you couldn't have taken photos so I'm off to the V&A website to see some. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. The V&A is on my list for next week - after seeing your telephone box first, naturally!


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