Thursday, 16 February 2012

Ain't Nothing Like a Dame

I'm always slightly in awe of those people who can take a charity shop item or something old and unworn from their wardrobe and with a few snips here and a deft touch there, turn it into something totally new. A talent that I never felt I've had... but then recently I discovered I've been doing this for years without realising it.

This gruesome collection of dresses (not from my wardrobe I hasten to add) were just what I needed to turn my ideas, sketched out here...

Into a totally new and gorgeous gown for this beautiful "lady"

Not to mention this little seafaring number

My brief was to make just two dresses for our lovely Dame, but when I knew there was a line that referred to his (her?) "Liz Burley" dress I just knew I had to do it...

Three brand new outfits from cast offs and collected bits and pieces. Not sure I'm going to be turning this newly discovered talent to my own outfits though! And those "Pavlovas"...

I did warn you that they were a bit dodgy didn't I... not so sure about Rudolph either!
Our village Pantomime opens tonight for four performances and judging by the dress rehearsal it's going to go down a storm. Well done to all involved!


And now another book... are you getting tired of them yet because there are still 46 to go! Thanks to all you lovely people out there I have got 41 sold/pre-ordered so I'm very near my target of 50. As a result, from today I'm going to stop taking any more advance orders so that I can still put one or two in my shop... I rather like the idea of them being up for grabs! However, my original estimate of £500 to hire the telephone box looks rather conservative and is more likely to be double that so there may be another release in future... depends how soon I get tired of them as they are rather dominating my life at the moment. But for now I'm enjoying every one... this is book number four...

A pre-order so already sold, it was quite a challenge. From a Mum to her 15 year old son to say "I love you". So nothing soppy or romantic. I opted for graffiti...

The matchbox is covered in a graffiti version of the recipients name and the book has it's own graffiti message, enhanced with machine embroidery.

And inside a rather mad looking pop-out Mum (because I know what it feels like to be the mother of boys) with a special message

Which I hope says it all.

I'm off to Missenden Abbey tomorrow for a weekend of teaching but I will be back next week with more books... and maybe one or two for the shop... watch this space!


  1. I love your panto costumes. As a long time member of the back stage crew (scenery and props for me - its amazing what you can make out of cardboard and papier mache)for our local panto group its great to see that others also spend so much time and energy on such an ephemeral activitiy

  2. Really great Dame costumes. You are clever!

  3. Fabulous costumes for what looks like a great show. Great to see the books keep coming. I'm still trying to make just one this week! If you're on medication that makes you work this fast can you tell me what your prescription is please?

  4. With regard to the telephone box, why not as jac if it would be possible to mock one up like a stage prop?

  5. Ahem - ask jac!

  6. Wow Gina -- those costumes are amazing. As are your little matchboxes -- I'm really enjoyoing watching as you create new ones -- they're all adorable!

  7. The Panto costumes are wonderful - it's sure to be a hit. I think I like village pantos better than professional ones - much more fun when you know most of the cast.
    The latest book is perfect for a teenage son, and I'm keeping my eye on your shop so I can hopefully pounce at just the right moment!

  8. Fantastic costumes - so clever to be able to transform your design into reality.

  9. crikey Gina you can turn your hand to anything stitchy can't you. you'll be hired again to make costumes - they are wonderful! love your idea for the graffiti match book. Enjoy your w/e at Missenden. if I'm lucky I'll get to B'ham for Lost in Lace.

  10. You are such a multi-talented all-round goddess! Well done!

  11. I am in AWE - full stop!!!!

  12. Amazing costumes - I love the idea of Liz Burley! I'm so glad you've had such huge interest over the altered matchboxes, and I'm pretty sure I've got the best one!!! Sometimes it pays to be impulsive!
    I hope the teaching weekend went well, I'm off for a day of it on Tuesday,
    love Penny x

  13. The costumes were a great success Gina, well done! The little book is delightful. Hope w/end at M. Abbey was fun.

  14. Wow - you're so clever at those costumes - the whole pantomime thing sounds like great fun on and off stage! xC


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