Sunday, 6 March 2011

It was one of those days...

When I just couldn't face talking to my audience...

To set the record straight...
  • The ladies of Tunbridge Wells Embroiderer's Guild really weren't THAT scary
  • I did eventually come out from under the table and talk to them
  • Only one or two fell asleep so I think they enjoyed themselves!

I enjoyed myself!


  1. You look quite happy under that table so I can believe that no-one scared you under there! I have a confession to make - I have 'stolen' your Button Babes idea but have acknowledged their origins and not claimed the design as my own, even though I did have to make it up as I went along from the pics on your blog after your workshop. I hope I haven't committed any infringement. My first attempts are a bit wonky, but I am improving!

  2. HI Gina
    You are looking really great! even under the table!

  3. If you knew them as well as I do, you'd have stayed under the table! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself though!

  4. That's a lovely smiley photo Gina! Lucy xx

  5. Here, here! I know! You were looking for the wine ;-)

  6. Hey Gina you haven't changed much from the photos in the last post ...looking good girl !!even under a table ...x

  7. Lucky ladies of Tunbridge Wells! :-)

  8. Just a thimbleful....

    Some people wll do anything for a pair of red high heels !

  9. I can quite relate to the feeling of wanting to hide under the table before giving a lecture. However, your red heels must be the key to your smile. I think I need to buy some for my upcoming talk to the Costume Society.
    P.S. I cannot comment on your delicious looking supper yesterday. I am too hungry to linger on that post.

  10. Wonderful red shoes!
    Terrific photos!

  11. Gina--Only you could look so glamorous, 'cowering' under a table like that!! :)

  12. Great shot! And wow, you look absolutely fabulous, (which isn't something that would be said of most of us crouching in that position!)


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