Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Day One

This might be condsidered as bordering on insanity at a time of year when there is more than enough to be doing. But when I was filling the little bags for our advent calender I had an idea... one that wouldn't go away...

What if I did a blog post every day in December as kind of blogging advent calender? A virtual countdown to Christmas day. It was a very silly idea that shouldn't have been given head space. But it was an idea that wouldn't go away so here goes...

I know... it doesn't just border on insanity... it is stark raving bonkers... but that's just me! Anyone else bonkers enough to join me?


  1. All stark raving bonkers over here too as I had the very same thought!

  2. Wonderful idea, I always look forward to a new post.

  3. I did this last year and it was such just do it!

  4. Yeh, great idea. I'll join you.

  5. I had the very same thought Gina - then I thought about what I have need to do... and decided I must be mad!

    Then again, it's a lovely idea...


  6. I think I shall join you - though this may be a painful to stick to! I had better do something to post about then :)

  7. Can't promise I'll do one everyday but I promise I'll read yours everyday!!!
    Vivienne x

  8. So very tempting. I actually had the same idea, but then I slapped myself into reality. Good Luck -- I'll be reading!

  9. Ok, I'm bordering on the side of insanity. I'll join you, just so your not on your own you understand. I don't promise that mine will be full of baking, or as interesting as yours but you never know a cake or two may creep in, stranger things have happened.

  10. This is madness... I'll never do it, but nothing count me in too.

  11. I just agreed to make more costumes for the nativity play, on top of two sales next week and various commissions. I think daily blogging would tip me over the edge onto which I am currently precariously clinging.

  12. Oh, go for it! So many folks seem to abandon their blogs in December that it makes those posts all the more precious and I need something pretty to distract me from all that I am not doing!!

  13. I am teetering on the edge at the moment too, so shall just enjoy reading yours! :O))))

  14. I will enjoy following along but would be bonkers enough to join in if I wasn't mummy-sitting!

  15. count me in I,m a day late in starting but will join in now.

  16. I'll join in as well. Maybe get me back into bloggin.

  17. Great minds think alike... (well, we'll not finish that one off..!!:) ) Glad to know I am in great company (hope I can keep it up!) Best wishes, Caireen x

  18. Yep, you're mad. I don't seem to be able to manage a blog a week now!
    Incidentally - my word verification word is 'pringis' - is this some sort of affliction brought about by eating a whole tub of Pringles to oneself. In which case I have it.


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