I had a wonderful time at the Knitting and stitching show on Thursday and was remarkably restrained in my purchases! Some sock yarn, a few skeins of thread and a couple of books because most of the time I was chatting to people... fellow Opus students, fellow Missenden tutors, some of my current and ex-students and of course some bloggers -
Dale, Lynda and
Maggie. I also met a "lurker" (I'm sorry I can't remember your name!) who recognised me whilst I was trying on a gorgeous jacket. Ah yes... the jacket.... I bought that too!
Since Thursday I've been doing a lot of thinking and reassessing. For a while now I've been feeling exhausted and slightly run down. Lots of headaches, trouble sleeping etc. and over the weekend I decided some things had to change. I've made a difficult decision to give up some of my work committments and to concentrate on my own work and my adult teaching. I will miss working in schools and the community work but I know it's the right thing to do because already I feel much better and more relaxed. And talking of adult teaching....
On Thursday I'm teaching a machine embroidery class at
Art Van Go - Machined Textures. We will be looking at various ways of building up texture with the sewing machine resulting in a landscape panel like these:

So if you live near or within easy reach of Knebworth (good rail links from London) and fancy a fun day out there are still places on the course. Just ring Art Van Go on 01438 814946. I would love to meet you!
And while I'm advertising... do you remember these dubious gentlemen?

I finally finished three more tea cosies to go into my badly neglected Etsy Shop.

Two have already sold but there's still this one left!