First of all, THANK YOU for all the wonderful comments you left after my last post - they made me feel a whole lot better about the whole fashion show and dress thing and I really did appreciate every single one.
Since then everything has gone slightly crazy - three workshops to teach this week (all different - all different preparation), more next week and only two and a half weeks until my first Open Studio weekend. The house is an absolute tip, my washing machine has packed up (that's no joke in this house) and so I decided to prioritize and do a blog post... about shoes!
Inspired by
Katy's post about her rather fabulous shoes I got to thinking about all those I have lurking in my wardrobe that hardly ever see the light of day. Now for most of the year I wander around the house and garden barefoot only donning socks when it gets really cold (a strange habit inherited from my grandmother who was always barefoot.) If I absolutely have to put on footwear then it is either trainers, flip flops or these....

But even though I don't wear them I love shoes and if they have pointy toes and high heels so much the better! When Stewart and I got married four years ago I thought I might be really extravagant and buy some
Manolos or
Jimmy Choos... or even a pair of
Gina Shoes. Common sense prevailed when I found this gorgeous gold pair in a High Street shop for the bargain price of £29.99. I wore them all day long and danced in them all night... but haven't worn them since!

Sadly these below have only been worn once too - very pointy, very high and with a slightly naughty ankle strap! I love them but one of the boys said they looked tarty so they've only ever seen the light of day under trousers. They can't be that tarty... they came from M & S!

This next pair I do actually wear and they are relatively comfortable. They make me feel very grown up (which I don't feel most of the time) and glamorous.

And my latest aquisition are these below which I really love... worn twice and comfortable if I don't have to walk anywhere!
There are more... but given all the other things I should be doing I think I ought to stop now, put on my sensible green wellies and walk the dog!