Friday, 31 August 2007
A Recipe
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Blinkin' Big Mushroom

Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Are You Lonesome Tonight...
On Sunday I was chatting to Sam who is still in Epsom rehearsing his play and he happened to mention he needed an Elvis costume as a prop (for a skeleton to wear apparently - I didn't ask!).
"No problem, Surely you can hire one?" says I
"Well... We've sort of run out of money"
expectant silence where I felt it was my turn to speak...
"I suppose I could make you one" (gosh did that come out loud?)
"Would you? That would be great, thanks Mum!"
And so here it is - a cobbled together jumpsuit made from various charity shop finds very gamely modelled by Jacob... what a star he is!
Lots of reading to do tonight as this...
But best of all, there is this to read. The first issue came out yesterday and it is packed full of wonderful articles to read and loads of things to try out. Well done to everyone involved in its publication... you've done a fantastic job!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
The next pair I knit are definitely for me... although I don't really wear pink... and Joe rather liked this colour too!
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Lazy Sunny Afternoon
Friday, 24 August 2007
Season of Mists...
However... there are good things about autumn too. Today I picked this wonderful bowl of damsons from the hedgerow. (The sloes and blackberries are not far behind)
It has not been all domesticity in our household today and I've managed some stitching. I made another ATC using the rust fabric from last week. There is not an awful lot of stitching as I had trouble sewing with the machine through the areas that had been printed with the metal effects paint. Not too bad with the foot on but great difficulty free machining. The first effort was discarded.
In the second sample I was playing with some layers of painted Lutradur to see if I could reproduce the rust effects from my sketchbook. The colours need some adjusting (they haven't photographed well either) but I feel I'm on the right track. I would like to carry on experimenting but we have friends coming for supper so it's back to the kitchen for me... or perhaps they would like to eat scones and jam? Now that's a thought!
Thursday, 23 August 2007
The whole thing was given a layer of acrylic wax and then I found these old beads which seemed to fit perfectly.
So now I'm rust printing kunin felt and other fabrics in preparation for some samples. I'm not sure where I will end up with it all but I'm finding it very exciting (It doesn't take much!) Don't you just love it when an idea takes hold and you can run with it... and of course it fits in with the other work I was starting on rust. Just got to wait for the fabrics to turn rusty!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Cultural Overload!

Friday, 17 August 2007
A Perfect Day
And then I spotted this book which I felt I had to buy as it has lots of little projects for beautiful Japanese fabrics... when I get a spare few minutes!
Staying with the Japanese theme I then found a kit for this dear little bag which came from here. I don't usually buy kits (or "project" books) prefering to make from scratch or use my own ideas/designs but this was perfect for the purpose. And it was so easy to make. I finished the bag in under two hours this morning and that included the fifteen minutes it took to thread the cord through the holders because I'd made them too small! I did have a moment of panic when the instructions said "quilt to secure wadding" but think I got away with it by stitching straight lines in red thread. Somewhere I have a walking foot which I believe is designed for such a purpose but I've never used it and couldn't find it!
And here it is fill with supplies which will be just perfect for this weekend as Stewart and I are off to Amsterdam for a bit of sight seeing, sketching and generally relaxing!
As well as the wonderful exhibitions and tempting selection of goodies to buy I also met up with Julie and her friend Lynne for a cuppa and a chat. It was lovely to meet "in person" as we've been chatting on our blogs and via email for a few weeks now. Really good to meet you Julie! And then when I got home there was a package from Julie full of these lovely goodies! We'd arranged a swap and I was expecting a piece of fabric but there was this large piece of really scrummy fabric which I can't wait to use plus some fabulous fibres which I intend to use with the embellisher.
And as well as all that this beautifil little ATC. It's the first one I've ever received so it will be treasured! Big thank you Julie!
So yesterday was a perfect day! As for today... I need to finish packing as our flight is at 7 am tomorrow morning and I would like to fit in some time on my Opus Sketchbook this afternoon too. Before I go... the results of the rust printing I did with the metal effects paint on Wednesday... it really does work! All it needs now is some stitching. Watch this space... (but don't hold your breath!)
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
All work no play....
I've also been doing some messing about with rust dyed fabrics and metal effects paint in preparation for one of the forthcoming classes. I've printed onto rust dyed calico with the paint and have painted it with the rust activator but as yet nothing has happened. Patience was never one of my better qualities! When I get results I'll post some pics.
Tomorrow I'm off for a day of all play no work... the Festival of Quilts at the NEC. I'm not a quilter and have never made a quilt in my life but I do love looking at them. And of course... all that shopping...
... back on Friday!