Monday, 6 January 2014


I've spent a happy day doodling with my sewing machine...
making patterns and letting my mind wander to ideas for other projects, other plans.... in particular a plan using this fabric and this technique... but that will be revealed another time.

The resulting fabric was made up into this notebook...

A touch of paint has been added and tomorrow it will be on it's way to a new home... to Sue, winner of my giveaway.

What I hadn't realised until it was finished was just how much bigger it was than the original notebook... or perhaps that one is just particularly small?

Hope it's useful!


  1. Didn't the Elizabethans do lovely fine flowery black embroidery on their linen shirts? Yours is lovely... I have no idea how you can do than on a sewing machine - but then again I've only just started using an electric machine, and that's a vintage model.

    Happy New Year!

  2. You doodle so well on the machine!!! I'm sure the recipient will be delighted. :)
    V xxx

  3. That is so beautiful. I am delighted and excited and very much look forward to receiving!
    It will have to be used for something special

  4. I love that kind of stitching and wish I could do it too! That note book is fabulous! xx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautifully behaved doodles. I usually have a nervous twitch at just the wrong moment when I try something like that.

  7. Your created a beautiful fabric!

  8. Gina, when I think of doodling, I am looking for a soft lead pencil, a felt tip or rollerball or ballpoint pen. What you accomplish with a sewing machine rather amazes me.

    And then, I want to find time to give it a try myself. Are there certain fabrics that work better with this drawing with thread?

    Why is it that I cannot seem to summon up an eighth day of the week?


  9. Fabulous notebook, Gina, it's so lovely having something special to write and sketch in, a little bit of luxury.

  10. A lovely doodle, makes me want to go straight to my machine and start playing. True inspiration

  11. I wonder if I tried, what my machine embroidery would look like. It's not just the idea, and the knack - but the true artist that shines so brilliantly thru your work.

  12. You do such beautiful doodles Gina, I am sure the recipient will make it a very special book. Cheers

  13. I really thought this was done with a pen till I looked closer! Amazing Gina! I have nominated you for an award that bloggers give amongst themselves, The Sunshine Award. See the link to my post for more info:
    You are supposed to also nominate 11 bloggers. It is time-consuming, I know, but a lovely way of giving recognition to those we feel deserve it1 xx

  14. I will, I really will learn to do something similar on my machine. Truly...

  15. I love what you did here! Endless possibilities with something like this. Lucky Sue to receive such a beautiful AND useful gift. Can't wait to see what else you've been planning ;)
    Wendy x

  16. Great notebook Gina, make lots for open studios!!


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