Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Psychology of Shopping

As well as wall mounted work, I also like to have a table full of lower cost items for sale at my Open Studio. Not everyone who visits either wants or can afford work for the wall - in fact I would guess that accounts for the majority of visitors. But quite a few people like to buy a card or small gift item.
I've made sure I have plenty of past best sellers such as my brooches...

and pin cushion jars. Although having sold well in the past is not a guarantee that they will sell again

There is a basket of these chaps... these used to outsell everything else I made but not so much anymore. Maybe they no longer appear "on trend" or perhaps I've saturated my market? Maybe I just need a different patterned sock?

I've also added new items this year... crochet pin cushions packed in cupcake boxes. Will these sell or are cupcakes as passe as we are led to believe?

And although these are nothing new - I've seen lavender fish on the internet for quite a few years - today I had the urge to make a whole dish full. And it remains to be seen whether they sell like hot "fish"cakes... or whether I'm left with a dishful after the weekend.
I've given up trying to understand the psychology behind shopping. There has been many an Open Studio weekend when I've sold out of an item on the Saturday, have stayed up late replenishing my stock and then not sold a single one on the Sunday. It's all a guessing game.. but at least I've had fun making stuff!
Open Studio
20th & 21st July and 27th & 28th July


  1. What a lovely collection of little gift items. If the lavender fish don't sell this time try stuffing them with catmint - could be a top seller for cat toys! It's impossible to gauge what will sell, but I love the cupcake pincushions in their little boxes.

  2. Well I think that's a great little collection of goodies. Something for eveyone or maybe more than one thing for some! :)
    V xxx

  3. you have been busy Gina. like Heather - I would think it's very difficult to predict what sells and what doesn't - will be interesting to see if your thoughts bear out. I would happily give any of them a home.

  4. Fabulous sock monkeys/monsters. And who could resist a lavender fish? Hope you do well, whatever people buy, Ax

  5. Don't forget patterns for bunting.I hope stuff flies out the door.

  6. Good luck for the open studio Gina! I personally have never met a lavender fish I didn't like.

  7. I know you can never tell, it's hit or miss with sales. At least you got a good variation of lovely things, so hopefully it will all go....xx

  8. Gina, I wish you a fine open studio weekend...it's grand to see what you will have on display. Oh how good it would be to live close enough to stop by myself!

    I also thought the Open Studios site was a good one with lots of inviting information. There seem to be lots of talented folks around Cambridgeshire.


  9. Ooh well done, you've obviously been very busy and productive (unlike me!). AND, I've just read previous post, and I really love the stitched pictures, they're beautiful x

  10. If you weren't so far away I'd be over to buy a sock monster ... they're such fun!

    Here's hoping you sell lots of your delightful goodies :D

  11. Such lovely makes there Gina. I agree - it is so difficult to know what will sell. Just wish we could come up with the latest "trend"! x Jo

  12. Gina I am catching up with everyone's posts and you are working like a demon! I loved the applique canvases in the last post and everything you've shown here. I want to put my marketers head and help you but I think you've got it sussed. If those applique canvas pieces don't sell there will be no justice!

  13. Impressive fruits of your labors. Love the bright colors. Good luck with your sales.


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