Wednesday, 21 April 2010



  1. morning - that is fascinating, but I shall ignore you being 8 in 1966 as that was the year i left school!! Wow two shillings and cindy doll clothes that was a good pressie!!1 Now we use the computers so much our writing is not used as often, and I know my children hardly ever write at all - quite sad really.

  2. Yes I've got those 'e' things in mine as well. Same era. I think it was the fashion. I'll get mine up later.

  3. I'm just impressed at how beautifully legible your handwriting is. Mine is definitely a scientist's scrawl!

  4. How fascinating that you still have stuff from your childhood! As a child of the forces we had to throw away things before each move.... (I think that might be why I hoard now!). You are SUCH a neat writer... I am almost hanging my head in shame at my attempts.........

  5. What a very interesting entry ,and how your handwriting has grown up, to what it is now ,reflecting your personality I suppose , Jan xx

  6. I love your handwriting. In fact I really admire other people's handwriting because mine is so utterly awful. I think it is why I love computers so much because I am able to express myself without the horrible handicap of the finished article looking unbearably untidy. I think this is why I have never been a good letter writer/correspondent because I am always so ashamed of how awful my writing looks.

    I blame it on a combination of being a Doctor's daughter and 8 years at Uni frantically scribbling down lecture notes or essay plans!

    I think impatience and lack of care may also come into it if I am totally honest!

    Lucy x

  7. Goodness these posts are fascinating. Mine will be along in a day or two. What a wonderful process. I think it gives a peep into the personality. Your handwriting is very lovely to look at indeed


  8. Loved your story - my early stuff is in the loft, enough to make a few thousand collages out of - & your neat handwriting. Mine's up - loved this game & meeting new people!

  9. What a fun post Gina! You have lovely handwriting -- and yes, we all did that little circle thing above the i LOL!

  10. I love these handwriting posts. Its been a real revelation and your writing is so stylish.

  11. Like Pam, I shall pass by that 1966 reference!

    Looking at your handwriting's evolution is very interesting. Some of your samples do look a bit like some of my earlier writing. My handwriting is pretty scratchy now, unless I can take my time with it. In my left hand, a quickly moving pen produces pretty shabby results.


  12. Hi Gina, thanks for visiting my blog and entering the pass the book giveaway. You have a very interesting blog. How fascinating to look at old examples of your handwriting. I love the style of your writing now. Mine is very uneven and messy. Actually I quite like the aged 18 one too.

  13. I love your hand-writing - I had the chance to admire it when I won your giveaway. It is very similar of a dear friend who I used to work with.

  14. I love your handwriting in all it's stages - excellent for an 8yr old and always so attractive and legible whatever your trend was. Your teachers must have enjoyed marking your work.

  15. Isn't it fascinating to see your writing? I did the same bubble i and funny e thing too. Long gone now.

    Your handwriting is pretty - and definitely belongs to someone creative.

  16. I love this post. Your writing has such energy as though you write very quickly and fluently. It is just as I imagined it would be.

  17. Ooh I've been catching up on my blog reading - love the changes of style - I wonder if I can find some old examples of mine anywhere?

  18. What a fascinating handwriting history! You have lovely writing, so clear and even. I love writing by hand (as opposed to keyboard) but need a good pen!

  19. oooooh, I love seeing hand-writing!


  20. I wasn't born in 1966 as for a two shilling bit, whats that :-)
    Your writing looks lovely, very neat.

  21. I've just done my handwriting post. When I told my sister what I was doing, she went up in her loft to get a poem I wrote her years ago. This has been fun - and obviously, you get a mention too!

  22. Thats so interesting. I remember tryng all sorts of styles too and now I see my son doing it, but his writing is lovely compared to my scrawl!

  23. It is amazing that you have and can find pages with your handwriting. This is yet more evidence of how organised you are, if I needed any and sadly that means little or no hope for me, but I will keep trying.

  24. I'm sorry I've neglected commenting on your blog for a while, when you leave lots of nice comments on mine! (they're all much appreciated...)
    I love this post and love seeing your handwriting. I find handwriting fascinating. My daughter is now going through the 'experimenting' stage, but instead of circles above the i, she does hearts or smileys. At this age, it's very hard to distinguish her handwriting from other girls, but I'm sure it won't be long before it takes on a character of its own!


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