Yesterday, together with the lovely
Silverpebble and a very cute and happy baby pebble, I descended on the
Dotty Cookie household. The purpose of our gathering was to learn how to make precious things from silver clay. First of all we were treated to a delicious lunch by Val - a tasty butternut squash soup, some homemade bread and the most amazing pudding made from chesnuts and apples and meringue... I did take a photograph but it was out of focus so you'll just have to use your imagination! We then got to work, modelling tiny pieces of silver clay into discs and applying a liquid clay through stencils to make a design on the surface.... so far so good!

The clay pieces were dried out in the oven while we prepared for the next stage in the process. Usually Emma does this over her gas hob in the kitchen but being without a gas hob in Val's kitchen we resorted to using one of these... a bit of an experiment.

I would like to point out that at this stage I was holding the baby so can take no responsibility for what happened next. Someone (I'm not mentioning any names) applied the blow torch to the little clay discs which were resting on a wire gauze... they began to glow (use your imagination again... I can't hold babies and take photos)... they began to glow some more. Then without any warning they burst into dramatic flames. There was nervous laughter which rapidly became hysterical. Tiny small and Tall small found the sight of three slightly hysterical grown up women very amusing. When the flames died down, the clay had turned to silver as it should but it had also melted and fused to the gauze. We prized them off and put them into a bowl of water to cool and although they had lost some definition, I'm really pleased with my "silver pebble" and can see the dragonfly very clearly... which is pretty amazing as I didn't have my glasses with me and couldn't see a thing while I was making it!

The results might not have been as planned but I had lots of fun and a really lovely day... can we play again soon? Please?