Monday 11 April 2011


After spending four days (very enjoyable days) indoors during what has been the warmest, sunniest week this year it was a joy to get out in the garden all day yesterday.

There was much digging, weeding and tidying up to be done and I was assisted by my feathery friends.

Although they didn't always dig where I wanted them to...

in fact these very naughty girls kept digging up things I had just planted!

Barley kept a watchful eye, supervising us all...

But soon got bored!

After eight hours working, I knew I was getting tired and it was time to stop when I put both feet on the spade at the same time and managed to fall off, much to everyone's (well Stewart's) amusement... absolutely nothing to do with our afternoon refreshments of course!

This morning I woke up aching all over but I'm off now to speak to the Chiltern's Textile and Embroidery group... so at least no gardening for me today.


  1. Sounds like the perfect thing to do on such beautiful weekend. x

  2. It's a very satisfying kind of tiredness you get though after a day's gardening, I think!
    Vivienne x

  3. I expect many of us are nursing a little soreness this morning! Glorious. wasn't it? I pressure washed all the garden furniture.

  4. Eight hours? That's gardening dedication. Sheesh!

  5. Sounds like my kind of day :-)


  6. The weather was just too good NOT to garden, wasn't it?

  7. Ha ha ha, doh!

    It was such a beautiful weekend wasn't it? I too spent yesterday pottering around the garden doing this and that - and my back is telling me off today but it was worth it:0)

  8. wow, i get cream crackered after 2 hours digging!!


  9. I like your vegetable beds. Handmade or from a kit?!

  10. Sounds a perfect day - I've been doing the same today.

  11. I fought a honeysuckle all day and have the scratches to prove it.

    I've been out there again today but I have to say the novelty's worn off a bit!

  12. I think there were quite a few aching bodies after the weekend, mine included, but wasn't it wonderful to be out there weeding and generally tidying up? Yours is a proper garden with veg. plot and chickens. I grow a few small vegs in containers but that hardly counts.

  13. Your girls are lovely! Wasn't it nice to be able to get outside at last. It was good to see you on Saturday.

  14. My garden was swept and weeded too for the first time this year. Not eight hours worth though!

  15. Gina,
    I'm exhausted just reading this but I agree that when we have this sort of weather, at this time of year, there is no better place to be doing something. Commiserations on the aches and pains.... Lesley

  16. Teehee! Your time outside sounds wonderful. I imagine lots of us will put aside our crafting for creating in our gardens for a while now. Cheeky chickens! Penny

  17. ahhh, i so covet your garden edges!

  18. That's JUST the most amusing mental image - and wow, eight hours - I take my hat off to you - sure I couldn't manage that much!

  19. Hi Gina, I'm glad I'm not the only one tee hee. We have been so busy on the inside that our garden got a bit neglected so I spent all day Friday in the garden and on Saturday I didn't know what to do with myself!

    Taking a nice break in the sewing room. That pint looks appetising! I could just go a ... nice pint of speckled hen :o)


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