"...At what might be the most general level of all, art history has consistently sited visual meaning in the fully abstract, derealised domains of optics and of signs and the salient historical context of this meaning in the domain of articulated, rationally managed disputes about ideas of institutional policies and in wider social affairs."For two days I've had my head buried in text books, absorbing theories about gender and the body in art, trying to establish what I think about it all.
For two days I've jotted down notes and looked things up.
For two days I've felt quite pleased with myself, feeling on top of all the reading and research. And then I got to the sentence above. I've read it and re-read it so many times I've lost count but do you know what... I haven't a clue what it means!

So, I've given up and taken a wander around the garden instead and have come back with some goodies... my first radish this year and some freshly laid eggs. And so I think I'm going to leave the books for today and take refuge in my kitchen.
And as for the quotation above... answers on a postcard will be much appreciated!