Saturday, 7 February 2009

Cupcakes and More Snow

A week or so ago I had a very special outing. Special because the venue was a tiny shop in Hertfordshire, Jolie, which is a treasure trove of gorgeous yarns and beautiful things. But most of all, special because it involved meeting with some lovely blogging friends, Val and Tiny Small whom I've known for quite a while now and Julie who I met for the first time. I've long admired Julie's knitted creations and first discovered her when I was looking for a pattern for a knitted cupcake. So imagine my delight when Julie gave me this beautiful little cake.

Feeling inspired and armed with Julie's pattern and yarn purchased at Jolie I knitted up my own version, which unfortunately is nowhere as neat and beautiful as Julie's, but is in fact rather squishy and shapeless!

Especially when you compare the two together. Something is not quite right with my decreasing and I've managed to get the wrong side of the cake case facing out! But I will try again.

Meanwhile I can enjoy these cupcake cards which I also bought at Jolie.

And one or two real cupcakes which are not quite so calorie free as the knitted versions but tasted rather good and disappeared very quickly.

The novelty of a week of snow still hasn't worn off around here... these strange prints are the result of nineteen year old son being in too much of a hurry to don footwear when rushing out to ambush sixteen year old son with snowballs! Crazy!

And on our Rec someone had made this fabulous snowman sitting on a bench.

I would have shown you a full length picture but some clever clogs had added a rather rude, anatomically correct, appendage which I wasn't sure was suitable for blog publication! Did make me laugh though.

He is rather slendid!


  1. Cooking again! It looks very nice. Moogsmum has been cooking as well. I could be tempted to have a go at that Lemon Curd. But don't hold me to it. Your cupcakes look so pretty.
    The Snowman is hilarious.

  2. That snowman is so funny - I can imagine how much you laughed at his um, extra bits!!!!

    How fab to meet Julie and spend time with Val!

    Those cupcakes look scrummy - the knitted, card and real variety!

    Lucy x

  3. love the snowman pics! and your cupcakes look scrummy... no wonder they soon disappeared!


  4. What delicious cupcakes! Both the knitted and baked varieties are very easy on the eye.

    Yeech - chilly tootsies there and the snowman is excellent. I'm afraid the artistic addition you mention brought a smile!!

  5. Listen, if I can publish knitted boobies, you can show us a frisky snowman! He is rather fab though, isn't he?

    I think your knitted cupcake looks rather nice ... Julie's stuff is just gorgeous isn't it?

    Still snowed up here too! x

  6. Sounds like a grand day out. And I love the snowman's hair!

  7. How great to have a real life Big Foot in your garden! Your cupcake is fine - it's just that your icing is different. It reminds me of when I belonged to a lovely village WI and found my iced fancies next to those of a catering friend at the annual show. Oh dear - my worst fears materialised. Nevermind, I did win a prize with my tomatoes.

  8. Oh, and by the way, we all want to see the entire snowman on your next post!!

  9. Wow -- how lucky you are to have a day out with the ladies! Love the little cupcakes -- how wonderful that you have one made by Julie herself. And the beauty of knitting is that even though yours doesn't look exactly like Julie's, it still looks wonderful!

  10. I know how much you love your cupcakes Gina (smile)
    That snowman is very good too. There was one sitting on a bench on TV with 2 legs! Did yours have legs with his appendage? I thought it was so clever, the legs, I mean. The footprints remind me of Plas where I go with SerenTex as it seemed someone was walking around in the rain barefoot, but we found Irish was wearing shoes with footprint soles.

  11. Am I allowed a teeny, weeny pang of jealousy? I do love Julie's cupcake - there is something very perfect and original about the little crystallised violet on top.

  12. A post full of loveliness!! Love the cupcakes (both varieties, of course!) and the cards - and the snowman is terrific!

    Oh, I can just picture it now...

  13. Hello Gina. Lovely cupcakes and yes, I do mean your knitted one there. I like the fact it is a little different! The footprint in the snow is great too, though only a nineteen year old surely could bear the cold!!! x

  14. Thank you for the laugh with the snowman! Cheeky!

    The cupcakes look delicious, including the knitted versions.

    I like the footprints in the snow. Not brave enough to try it myself. Brrr! It's snowing here again tonight.

  15. I love the knitted cupcakes - both Julie's and yours. The real ones look especially good :-)

    As for the snowman - I didn't realise you were so shy....I bet you photographed 'it' though!!


  16. Ok, so you're a doll maker extraordinaire and the snowman creator is rather marvellous in their field too! I agree with everyone that a full frontal shot would only be fair .... for research purposes only - honest!

    Lovely lovely cupcakes too. I have Julie's pattern but haven't given it a try yet - after seeing yours I really need to out my finger out.



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