Friday, 19 October 2012

Inspiration and Excitement!

It has been a long time but finally this week I've felt a bit of that "Zip-a-dee Do dah" zest for life return. Probably for the first time since my degree course came to an abrupt end 18 months ago, I feel I have found some creative direction again.
The week started with me giving a talk to the ladies of Oxted... and the enthusiastic reaction I received started the spark of an idea. There was a lovely day spent with a special friend on Wednesday which got more ideas flowing, a day spent in my studio just making on Thursday and then today I've been with another special friend to see this exhibition and suddenly everything seems to be fitting into place. I'm inspired and excited again.
I shall digress to say this really is a "must see" exhibition. The costumes were amazing. The only slightly down side was there was so much fascinating stuff to read as well as see that it meant the queues were very slow moving, but even that didn't really diminish from the exhibition and I can't wait to go back to see it again. We had a special moment when we were both waxing lyrical about the absolutely gorgeous costume worn by Judi Dench when she played Elizabeth I in "Shakespeare in Love" and a very elegant lady to my left very quietly and modestly said "My daughter designed that". We were actually talking to Sandy Powell's mother.... that is Sandy Powell, Oscar winning costume designer! We had a lovely little chat about how she had helped sew on some of the jewels and what a lovely lady Judi Dench is...
... so suddenly I'm bursting with ideas of where I am taking my work in future. And probably for the first time in many years I don't actually care what anyone else thinks about what I want to do. That need for "peer recognition" can be an enormous pressure to create meaningful conceptual art but I finally know what I want to do for me... and I believe that will bring its own credibility and meaning to my work. And if everyone else thinks it is a load of old tosh or that I've finally lost my marbles then that is their problem, not mine. I really don't care... and that is a very liberating feeling.
I'm not going for a great 'reveal' but I hope in the coming months there will be glimpses of where I'm going creatively as I put my ideas into practise. Meanwhile this is the creativity that was going on during my train journey into London today much to the amusement of fellow travellers... crochet mice...

very definitely up to mischief!

(yes... if you recognise those cakes, I'm finally doing something with them!)


  1. Mice in the train - more people should do that :-)
    Glad you a buzzing with ideas again.
    Celia xx

  2. I was wondering about going to the Costume exhibition and I'll definitely put it on my 'Go To' list now. I LOVE Judi Dench's costume. Oxted is 5 minutes up the road from me, I would have given you a cheery wave if I'd realised you were there :)

    Gorgeous little mice - I take it you weren't standing on a cattle truck type carriage?!


  3. I'm so pleased to read you're all fired up and ready to go Gina. Your skills will shine through whatever you decide to do. It is odd that so many of us feel that great need of approval. Sometimes it is hard to believe that others have the same self doubt when they appear so confident in what they are doing. Looking forward to the little glimpses of your new direction. You're not leaving little crochet mice everywhere you go are you? A sort of pied piper in reverse (-:

  4. Great post Gina, so good to hear all that positivity and I'm looking forward to seeing all your creations!!
    Everyone should crochet mice on a train! ;)
    Happy weekend,
    vivienne x

  5. Glad your creative spark has returned, can't wait to see what appears on your fabulous new adventure x

  6. Wonderful news re your sense of direction returning! (I recognise some of those cakes :O)))))))).

  7. Well we shall all wait to see where these new thoughts take you - meanwhile the mice are sooo cute. But then everything you do is great

  8. This is such good news Gina and I can't imagine that anything you make wouldn't be worthwhile. Even those dear little mice are exquisite. I have never tackled a degree course but from the sidelines it seems to me that the course sometimes squeezes out spontaneous creativity in it's aim to be provocative, innovative and contemporary, and this is at the cost of the student's natural talent and personal artistry. I can't wait to see your new work emerging. Enjoy yourself!

  9. I look forward to seeing your creative journey over the coming months. Are you making a wig? Cheeky little mice.

  10. I was shocked to realise that it is 18 months since your degree course ended. It so good to hear you being positive and I look forward to seeing what you'll be doing.

  11. I agree about not caring what people think of your work. when I came back from the K&S show last weekend I felt despondent as Alice in Wonderland seemed to be in evident there - making me feel that the costumes i am making Alice in Wonderland - started with teh Queen of Hearts are not worth continuing with But today Jane Lemon told me not to be so foolish - and that my work is good to continue and that I should not think about what other people think I should just continue to do what I love to do. I hope to visit the V&A exhibition in the next few days as I too love costumes.

  12. Congratulations on rediscovering your spark and excitement. Looking forward to what flows out of that

  13. somewhere someone is saying - there was this woman on the train - crocheting - mice!!

  14. Wonderful to feel you buzzing again Gina, long may it last and the very best with your new direction. I too will look forward to the glimpses. xx

  15. GO GO Gina. Do whatever makes YOU
    happy. x

  16. Now that sounds very exciting...I'm intrigued! (I'm also shocked with how quickly time passes - 18 months?) Good on you for finding your muse!

  17. Brava my friend, you sound like you've come out of the end of a dark tunnel and I love the assertiveness and positivity that just pulses through this post. I'm glad you're not going for a reveal as I shall enjoy the intrigue and challenge of trying to spot in which direction you are heading. You sound so energised by the decision that I can't wait! PS I spotted my cake!! Can't wait to see what you'll do with those either.

  18. Great to hear you're back to feeling creative; just do what you want to do, it has to come from your heart.


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