In my effort to catch up with things around the house and garden I have been tidying up and clearing out the junk from my workroom. I am embarassed to admit to the huge number of unfinished projects (some dating back years) and kits (some I've not even opened) that I have managed to unearth... most of them long forgetten! One such item was this kit for a bag in lovely Japanese fabrics bought at a quilt show several years ago.

So today, instead of finishing my tidying, or getting back out into the garden, I've been making a bag. And now that it's finished I'm not even sure that I like it!
Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going on a
picnic, so I guess there won't be any tidying up or gardening done then either! Let's hope the sun shines.
I'm not feeling 100% - very tired and have an eye infection that's not clearing up so have decided it won't be sensible to drive almost 100 miles to the picnic tomorrow. I'm really disappointed but hope everyone who is going has a brilliant time.