Yesterday on the Fibre and Stitch Yahoo Group, I came across the term RAK or Random Acts of Kindness and I've been thinking a lot about this today. About how those small kind acts, whether they be words, actions or gifts, can make such a difference to our lives. I suppose it was on my mind because I have been overwhelmed by the response to this blog. Since I started it, just a few weeks ago, I have constantly been touched that you want to read it and will take the trouble to leave comments - always kind, generous and encouraging, each one seems to me to be a RAK. I do try to reply to each one individually but occasionally, for whatever reason an email won't send - so if I have not replied to you in person it is not because I don't appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment. Each one is very much appreciated. Thank you.
I was also prompted to write about this because I experienced a small unkind comment yesterday (not on here) - that left me feeling quite upset and taken aback. It made me realise how easy it is to make an impact on someone's life either positive or negative. A colleague gave me some advice many years ago that I've never forgotten - before saying anything to someone else always ask yourself three questions about what you are about to say:
Is is true?
Is it kind?
Is is necessary?
If you can't answer at least two out of three with a yes (and preferably all three) then don't say it! It has always stood me in good stead and it is advice I've passed onto my children.
And finally on the same subject, I read this in "Love over Scotland" by Alexander McCall: " It's very easy... to increase the sum total of human happiness. By little acts. Small things. A word of encouragement. A gesture of love. So easy."
Of course I realise I'm preaching to the converted because you all are very good at those type of RAKs! Anyway, that is me off my soap box. It did make me think though if we could all do one little RAK every day wouldn't the world be a much happier and nicer place?

So while grocery shopping today I bought a bar of Green and Black's chocolate... a favourite in our house, for us all to share this evening... a RAK for the family! And it just happened to come with this little "taster" bar which I confess I had all for myself! I think we should be allowed to give ourselves RAKs too!
On a completely different subject - some more handstitching last night - I finished off this postcard which I will send to Myfanwy as a thank you for being a good friend at summer school. I'm hoping to work some more ATCs on this embellished background soon. It has been lovely to stitch onto the felt and I'm thoroughly enjoying exploring these stitches. I wish I had discovered the TAST group when it started.