Saturday, 3 March 2018

Beast from the East

So how have you coped with this "Beast from the East"? If you are not in the UK you probably haven't a clue what I'm taking about. It's not some sort of Abominable Snowman (which is how I quite like to imagine it) but a snowstorm that has swept the country and brought us to a standstill. There's nothing like a bit of weather to get us all talking and posting snowy pictures all over social media. We've not been hit too bad in south Cambridgeshire apart from the biting winds and sub zero temperatures but still we've not ventured out much except for a couple of essential doctors appointments... which reminds me, thank you for the kind wishes on my last post. Things are now a little calmer and we are finally getting some support. I missed the appointment for my hair cut though so I'll probably end up looking like some shaggy Beast from the East by the time my next appointment comes around.

Of course we have also had to go out for dog walks although even Hector wasn't convinced he wanted to go out this morning... he looked at me like I was crazy.

He enjoyed it once we were out and it was particularly beautiful and peaceful at 7.30 this morning... the only other tracks were rabbits, birds, deer and even a fox. Quite magical... except the bit where the rabbit tracks coincided with the fox, that wasn't magical. It looked like there might have been a scuffle.

We decided we ought to clear the driveway (not that we have taken the cars out today) but I got bored with shovelling snow so harnessed my inner child and built a snowman instead and I left the shovelling to Stewart. (I've just remembered... I must rescue my hat)

Other than that it has been a good excuse to stay home by the fire and keep warm with some new socks to knit. I've not decided whether I am keeping these or giving them away.

I've also spent time in the studio doing some sewing. I've been faffing about with not much of a plan but have ended up with another three little applique bags.

Potential Mother's Day gifts maybe?

They've gone into my Etsy shop anyway.

I also made some Brownies but I can't show you a photo of those because we've eaten them. I'm ready for some warmer springtime weather now though... are you?


  1. The 'Beast from the East' has even been on our news here in Australia. I think they are taunting us as we struggle through more hot weather. The snow looks lovely to me Gina.

  2. I can well imagine how cold it has been for you.Having stood watching my grandson play football in Cambridge I know how the wind comes in from the east!!!

    1. There is always a cold wind here on the edge of the fens. Nothing to stop it blowing through I guess!

  3. I'm always ready for spring Gina..always, I just don't 'do' snow!! Although I must admit building a snowman is definitely much preferable to shovelling snow!
    Beautiful bags as always!
    So glad things are improving for your boy and you.

  4. That's three very pretty pouches you made! We are all snowed in Glasgow but there are many moments of fun, too. x

  5. Glad you have enjoyed your snow days and had time for a little crafting. The perfect occupation in the cold. Glad you’ve had some support for your son, I can only imagine how hard that must be. Hope the snow melts quickly when it does. B x

    1. Amazingly there is hardly any sign of snow this morning just 24 hours after those photos were taken! Now all we need is some sunshine!

  6. Good to hear you are getting help and support for your son.
    The snow has made everything look magical and I love seeing bird and animal tracks in it, but am ready for Spring now. Great snowman and I have made socks with that yarn - love the colours and your little bags.

  7. We have, still, snow and the awful looking slush. This is what I most dislike about the weather, the hangover of slush. It does seem to be milder so perhaps it will go soon. My windows are filthy on the outside, will have to get the cleaner in soon, it drives me bananas!

  8. So looking forward to spring, though delighted to have got some wear from the scarf I started knitting in January and finished just before the weather turned.

  9. What you like! A few days of snow and you've had enough :D It has been amusing watching the reactions to the Beast from the East. We haven't been so bad, apart from the cold, which is normal but not this late in the winter. We have also had some winds that made the minus 20s seem rather too chilly and that is not so normal. The sun has been out the last few days though and it is glorious and I even got out cross country skiing again - I only made it out once last winter and this is my third time this year. We haven't got many tracks in the snow this year, mainly deer and small rodents. Sometimes we see lynx tracks, elk and wild boar, but not so much this time.

    I'm so pleased you have got some help for your son. Some support makes all the difference

  10. Beast from the East has made headlines here in Canada, but I think it's just entertainment value on this side of the ocean ;) We look, we laugh, and then we go out and clear our own snow. Oh! Wait! There IS no snow! Ha ha ha ha ha!!
    Love your snowman, you have a real talent there ;)

  11. We definitely missed most of the snow here in the Fens. Just a very light covering. And now, as you say, it's all gone and the last couple of days have been very spring like. Love the snowman btw!

    1. It didn't last long, so I'm hoping that's the last of it and we can look forward to something more springlike!


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