Sunday, 26 November 2017

All Change... again

You may have noticed from my last blog post, which felt as jumbled and incoherent as my brain at the moment, that I seem to be doing too much. Trying to juggle too many balls at once with the result that I'm making mistakes, I'm constantly tired and I hardly ever seem to finish things when I start them. It has been clear for some time that something has to give and for many reasons it has been on my mind that maybe it was time to wind up my little baking business.

Started two years ago, it was something I had dreamed of doing for a long time, having always loved baking and I have had lots of fun. I started it when I did because there seemed to be a natural lull in my textile teaching and to be honest I need to supplement my income. But I seem to have reached a point where it has stopped being fun. I have been churning out cakes that I haven't enjoyed making, trying to meet the demands of customers which somehow seems to defeat the point of working for myself. Nor was I prepared for the absolute exhaustion and chronic back pain after a day on my feet baking all day. Not to mention the endless cleaning, shopping, and book keeping that had to be done too. And although I have never stopped teaching machine embroidery people seem to have assumed that I'd given up, so it will be good just to focus on textiles again. I think it brought it home to me when someone on Instagram commented "Back to the textiles then?" I never stopped!

I thought I could just cut back so at the end of September I stopped supplying the Farm shop and cafe but this week I decided to stop altogether... no more new cake orders. And the relief is huge. I will do some Christmas baking for friends and family over the next few weeks but after that my baking will be solely for pleasure and I can regain that joy of making a cake for us to eat, of experimenting with recipes that I want to try.

I don't regret that I've done this over the past couple of years and if I hadn't tried it I think it would have been a bigger regret but now I'm looking forward to spending more time being creative with my textiles and artwork, possibly incorporating painting... and of course teaching. But I know I don't want to fall back into old comfortable ways. I will be looking at new ideas and fresh approaches... at least that is the plan.

The two cakes here were my last two made to order and I was pleased that they were both for friends... despite the drama of the doctor figure falling off and breaking the night before it was due to be delivered!

And you know that thing I said at the beginning of this post about doing too much... this week I added Nordic Walking to my list of things tried. It's just a four week introductory course and I've wanted to try it for a long time... so don't judge me okay! And like my baking business it's a sixty x sixty... and you've got to try something to know whether you like it or not.

I guess somethings don't really ever change!


  1. I am sure you have made the right decision.You would have had regrets if you hadn't tried it and can look back on some amazing cakes you have made and the pleasure they have given.I am looking forward to seeing you textiles again.Good luck.

  2. Haha only you Gina would give something to replace it with something else! Actually Nordic Walking looks very good, I didn't really know much about it until I followed your link...sounds like exactly the thing for my poor over knitted and crocheted neck and shoulders. Your cakes are wonderful as always and once again I can't believe you started your baking business 2 years ago!!

  3. Giving up your baking business sounds like a wise decision - the sore back and demanding customers no more! Have a lovely week xx

  4. A post full of energy and enthusiasm for the future. I'm glad you got to follow your dream of baking, and it's good that you are looking forward to making new strides in textiles. It sounds as if it was the right time to give up baking. Your cakes were always amazing, but I can well imagine how time-consuming and tiring it is. Concentrating on one area will allow you to focus and enjoy things more I hope. I'm wishing you all the very best with your textile work. CJ xx

  5. I so admire you for having a go at something that you always wanted to do, after all how many of us dream about trying something and regret no having tried. And you seem to have learnt - and shared - so much about the challenges of running a one-person business subject to the demands of your customers. Well done you for giving it a go - and for moving on at the right time. Now then, off you go into the future...

  6. The feeling of relief tells you it was the right thing to do and the Nordic Walking will keep you fit so two pluses. Don't ever be hard on yourself, you are aiming for the stars always which is more than many do so look forward to settling into 2018 when it arrives and throttle back just a tiny bit. Oh, and remember to breathe!

  7. Good on you Gina! I rather think there may be an epiphany on the horizon for me too Gina. I have decided I REALLY hate selling. I need to be giving myself a good talking to and decide how to move forward. I am so pleased that you have come to a good logical decision for YOU. I know that there will be people sad that they can no longer call on you for your delicious cakes and be ready to be bullied out of bakery "retirement" ! Yes we need to be kind to ourselves. Have a great week and remember to breathe, breathe and breathe! x

  8. Hooray for you! Your cakes are beautiful (and delicious) but I've missed seeing so much of your textile talents, and I am really glad to hear you've made such a positive decision for yourself. Onwards to the wonders of the future! X

  9. Glad to hear you have decided to let something go! My NY resolution is going to be to do less!
    As long as you still make cakes when I visit ,,,,

  10. Very wise. Getting about with your walking poles will revitalise you, so enjoy it.

  11. Life just naturally moves on if you let it. The important thing is to do more of what you enjoy most. Sounds like you have that sorted. B x

  12. Nordic walking will be the perfect contrast to making textiles. You'll never cease up over the sewing machine or artist's easel! And I'm sure you will still make delicious cakes and bakes for your family and friends to exercise your love of cooking without the hassle of keeping accounts for business purposes.

  13. You have me thinking. What do I do next. You're right about regretting not trying something if you don't. I must finish this PhD but things keep getting in the way. It's almost Christmas and I've only just begun the thesis part.

  14. The cakes are so good but you have to be happy in what you are doing. If the business is killing your love of it then it is time to move on. Never heard of the Nordic walking just had a look, very interesting. x

    1. I can recommend the Nordic walking! An hour walking and you feel like you've had a good workout.. plus it's outdoors. Beats a gym any day!

  15. I first read this post many days ago and did not have time to comment. Good on you for deciding you have had enough of baking, but I imagine your customers are devastated. That is another 60x60 event crossed off.
    I have always loved your textiles so I hope we will see lots ore posts about them. The Nordic Walking sounds fascinating and a wonderful exercise. Not sure if this is the weather to be starting, but perhaps it is not as cold down your way as it is in Yorkshire! It all sounds freezing to me, but then I live in the tropics. XX


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